Why is MVP Important for Software Development Projects?

MVP software definition stands for a minimum viable product. In other words, it is a functioning product but with a very limited set of features. MVP contains only those features that are obligatory in order to deliver value to its users and there is no advanced functionality in it.

If you need an example, think of a bicycle against a car. Both are means of transportation and both can get you to a target destination. The difference lies in the level of comfort and technological advancement.


Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Working With The Data

It goes without saying that data is the cornerstone of every business decision that a company is making. By wisely using the data, a company can not only get meaningful insights on its current state, market trends, and user behavior, but draw accurate forecasts, adjust its development strategy, and tweak the processes with an aim to maximize profits.

Today, such buzzwords as Big Data, Data Science, and Machine Learning are becoming more of a standard than a breathtaking innovation. Despite that

The Data-Driven Ecommerce Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Data powers the majority of business operations and serves as a source of valuable insights on your shoppers' behavior. If you wish to raise your conversions and boost customers' engagement, think about implementing a data-driven marketing strategy for your ecommerce store.

A few years ago businesses were doing a lot of guesswork, trying to figure out the most efficient strategy for their development.

But today, data is everywhere. The rise of social media and all-around use of mobile-equipped

Tips on How to Start an eCommerce Business

Ecommerce development has become a staple of commerce for modern buyers. Experts state that by 2040, 95% of all purchases will happen online, and in 2021, eCommerce has a 19.5% share of global retail sales. With these numbers in mind, it’s easy to predict that starting an eCommerce business would be a good investment in the long run.

To succeed in the eCommerce industry, your store has to look and function seamlessly. To help you, we assembled a list of the main things to consider when working

Preparing Data For Machine Learning

One of the biggest challenges for companies that decide to deploy machine learning is preparing data for the machine learning model. Some business owners wrongly assume that an ML model would use any data for training purposes and this misconception can cost you quite a lot.

In order for the machine learning model to efficiently utilize your data and deliver expected results, you need to properly collect the data and prepare it in advance. There are several steps in the process and each is cruc

Essential Features of a Healthcare Application

In the light of the pandemic, the healthcare industry has rapidly shifted towards digitization and this accelerated the popularity of healthcare mobile applications.

From fully featured virtual assistants to your favorite fitness trackers, these apps fulfill a great variety of functions and help both patients and medical professionals promptly access the needed information and communicate with each other.

While there is a huge variety of healthcare apps in the market, all of them share a certa

How Telematics Benefits Carsharing

IoT technology development gave a start to several interdisciplinary fields that combine IoT with other technologies and studies. One of the most well-known examples of such fields is telematics, a mix of telecommunications, IoT, electrical engineering, and the automotive industry.

While telematics can be applied to education and healthcare, one of its biggest Applications is vehicle telematics. It encompasses vehicle tracking, fleet management, and vehicle maintenance and brings undeniable adv

The Korean Game Market: A Comprehensive Overview

If you want to conquer the Asian gaming market, South Korea should be on your list of countries to focus on. As the world’s fourth-largest game market, South Korea provides game developers with plenty of opportunities. At the same time, Korean players are very demanding in terms of proper translation and localization, so if you don’t approach it right you could wind up in trouble.

In this article we’ll briefly review the Korean game market and see what kind of players prefer what kind of games.

Social Media Strategies: 10 Methods to Promote Your Store in 2019

Online stores demand digital approach towards marketing and social media is one of the most solid and promising platforms to promote your e-commerce business in the upcoming 2019.

Throughout a couple of years, social media strengthened its presence and proved to be efficient in both attracting new users and retaining the existing ones. Adding to that, the shift of users towards mobile turned social media in one of the hottest trends for e-commerce to keep an eye on.

Below you will find 10 effe